About 41 million people die annually from Non-Communicable Disease-related illnesses with 39% of the deaths occurring in Kenya. These include diseases like cancers, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, mental health conditions, and injuries, among others.

Gold Star Kenya is implementing a broad health system strengthening NCD interventions in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, CHMTs, CHS, and facility-based health care workers to improve access to quality care and improvement of treatment outcomes.

We contribute to addressing the rising burden of NCDs through;

  1. Collaborating with both public and private sectors for coordination.
  2. Social mobilization and advocacy
  3. Disease surveillance and research
  4. Creating a point of care and client transition.
  5. Screening for NCDs



Specific objectives for NCD prevention and care entail:

  • Client mapping, linkage, and transition to disease management and treatment plan.
  • Support care and comprehensive management of children with diabetes.
  • Wholesome Health Systems Strengthening
  • Health financing. Registration of enrolled children under NHIF/UHC
  • NCD commodities management
  • Data management and digitization and client care

Technical Team

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